
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Backcountry Fishing

Today I was wanting to post a update or something like that, but I realized I haven't really pulled out my camera lately.  Sometimes I don't get the desire to take pictures for a while, instead I feel more like looking back at other pictures and reflecting on them.

So, I went looking through my photos and remembered I trip I took in early September with three lovely women from camp.  While the explore students were in the backcountry on the Montana/Idaho State line trail, we decided to spend the weekend out in the same area. 

The trip was to be a hike back to some lakes where we could relax.  Trina, being hardcore (she really is), carried her fishing pole and a two-person raft in along with all of her other gear.  One afternoon I went out with fishing on the lake.  I rowed around while she fished.  It was a beautiful and sunny day on a quiet lake up in the mountains.
My beautiful friend Trina

This is a really fun shot of the fish coming out of the water!

The colors and patterns on the fish were so vibrant and beautiful

Gutted fish waiting to be eaten...

Trina getting the grasshoppers out of the bag

The fish steaming as they cook in the pan
I nearly forgot, it was on this trip that I discovered I have a knack for catching grasshoppers to use for live bait.  I chuckle as I ponder these pictures, you would maybe suppose that with all the fishing pictures I have put up that I would love fish.  But, growing up I hated...I mean despised the days we would eat fish.  Now I have come to think it is all right, but the idea of eating fish and liking it is still relatively new!


  1. What makes you such a good grasshopper catcher? That's quite a unique skill set.

  2. Hmmm...I think a combination of quick (little) feet and a very focused mind, chuckle.


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