Here at Camp Bighorn, we celebrated independence day with a bang. Actually with lots of bangs, kabooms, and sizzles. I would reveal pictures of the amazing fireworks show, but Gabe and I actually were a part of the lighting charade. We helped to plan and buy the fireworks, then we jumped into the no man's land of huge explosives and flying sparks to celebrate the 4th of July. In less than nine minutes we set off more than 160 artillery shells and multiple cakes and settled with a finale that left you wishing next year would come sooner!
As is typical here at camp, we also had our annual softball game and pie baking. To top the celebration off, the Stratford kids brought out strawberry lemonade that cost a whole quarter.
I decided to join in the pie baking. With an ounce of uncertainty I set out to find a recipe for a dairy and gluten free pie. Lo and behold I found one at The pie went in three parts, I first worked on the crust the night before. Then early on the morning of the 4th I finished the strawberry portion. Lastly, I finished the whipped topping. I was a bit skeptical about making dairy free whipped topping that would work. The resulting coconut creme topping was far beyond my highest aspirations. This being my first pie, it seems to be rather successful!
Two small fruit pies |
One of the staff working on his crust |
The head of Operations staff, Jim, dressed to work on his beef brisket |
Little guy enjoying his strawberry lemonade |
From Ireland to Montana, she came a long way for the fourth |
Here is my Strawberry Mousse Pie! |
Tori would be proud!